Healthy Diet

Seek the Horizon

"In 2019 I fell into a severe depression which lasted years. I shut myself away from everyone, lost all friends, and pushed away family. I do not know exactly when I became suicidal, but the effect was serious. I felt completely lost in life; as if I was in a hole deep underground which was constantly being rained upon and did not allow my screams for help to reach the outside. In 2022, I was instructed by my psychotherapist to undertake a 2-month medical leave from my studies and daily life. This hiatus from everything ended up being the turning point for me; finally allowing me to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I started to get into fitness, a decision which turned into an ambition, and, ultimately, has been a major driving factor of my recovery process. After a year of consistent physical training, I decided to discover the "new" me. I booked a one-way flight to South-East Asia and decided to travel the world by myself. I discovered who I am and who I want to be."

"The goal of Seek the Horizon is to offer a recovery process to others by creating that which I wished I had when I was severely depressed: a community built upon positivity, bettering oneself through personal action, and a sense of togetherness. Through the combination of healing with fitness and exploring oneself by travelling, Seek the Horizon attempts to help people around the globe struggling with mental health issues and aims to reduce depression in young adults for the next generation."

- Rami Gnaegi (Founder of Seek the Horizon)